Klüh, Ulrich


Welcome to the website of the working group "Economics and Politics". On the left part of the navigation menu you can find information of Professor  Klüh, his current lectures, research topics and latest projects.


We appreciate your interest in our work area. If you have comments or questions on the web page, please contact us via email.



Prof. Dr. Ulrich Klüh

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F15, 124


Electronic business card

Lecture & functions

Ulrich Klüh


Educational Area
Geldpolitik, Makroöknomie und Finanzmärkte, Public economics, Dogmengeschichte und Soziologie der Ökonomik,

Other functions
  • Institutsleiter
  • Promotionszentrum (Mitglied)
  • zfe-Mitglied

Functions at h_da

Professor of Ecomomics