Veröffentlichungen von Herrn Prof. Klüh
2014: “Makroökonomie: Das Übungsbuch (Exercises in Macroeconomics)”, Munich, Germany: Pearson Education (4th edition, with J. Forster and S. Sauer).
2006: “Financial Safety Net Design and Systemic Stability”, Shaker Verlag, Aachen (2006).
2004: "Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunications", Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press (edited, with G. Illing).
Working Papers, Beiträge in referierten und unreferierten Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden
2016: "Kapitalismusakkumulation durch Kapitalbesteuerung? Eine kontextuelle Analyse der Vermögensbesteuerung." , Link
2016: "No more cakes and ale: Banks and Banking Regulation in The Post-Bretton Woods Macro-Regime", Working Paper (Link)
2015: „'Denken in Makroregimes' und Große Transformationen: Eine Anwenderperspektive"
2014: Sismondis Spur: Krisen- und Selbstverständnis der Ökonomik (Crises in the history of economic thought)”, in: Held, Martin, G. Kubon-Gilke und R. Sturn. Normative und institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik, Metropolis Verlag, Marburg.
2014: “Foreword”, in: Larsen, Christa, A. Schmid und R. Keil (Eds.), Sustainable Economy and Sustainable Employment: Approaches to Measuring Sustainability in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring, Rainer Hampp Verlag, München Merling.Klüh (2012),
2012: “Demografischer Wandel und Personalentwicklung in der Kreditwirtschaft (Demographic change and human resource management in financial institutions)”, in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen 20 vom 15.10.2012.
2012: “Paradoxie und Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Kontext der Krise (Paradoxes in economics)”, in: Held, Martin, G. Kubon-Gilke und R. Sturn. Normative und institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik, Metropolis Verlag, Marburg.
2010: “Reshaping Systemic Risk Regulation in Europe,” The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Spring 2010 (mit Beatrice Weder di Mauro). Reprinted in: Stijn Claessens, M. Keen and C. Pazarbasioglu, Financial Sector Taxation: The IMF's Report to the G-20 and Background Material, Washington DC, September 2010.
2010: “Reducing Systemic Relevance: A Proposal,” The German Council of Economic Experts, Working Paper 04/2010, Wiesbaden, Germnaz, May 2010 (mit Hasan Doluca, Marco Wagner und Beatrice Weder di Mauro).
2009: “Reforming Global Governance: How to make the IMF more independent,” in: Intereconomics, Vol. 44, Number 2, March/April 2009, pages 72-76 (with D. Gros and B. Weder di Mauro).
2009: “Konjunkturprognosen in der Krise? (Economic forecasts and the great recession)”, in: Wirtschaftsdienst, Vol. 89, Number 2, February (with C. Swonke).
2009: “Konjunkturpaket II: Insgesamt richtig (The German fiscal stimulus package: Overall on the right path),” in: ifo Schnelldienst, Vol. 62, Number 2 (with W. Wiegard)
2009: “Policies to improve the local impact from hydrocarbon extraction: Observations on West Africa and possible lessons for Central Asia,” Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 37(3), pages 1128-1144, March (with G. Pastor and A. Segura).
2008: “Central Bank Response to the 2007-08 Financial Market Turbulence: Experiences and Lessons Drawn,” IMF Working Papers 08/210, International Monetary Fund (with S. Gray, A. Chailloux, S. Shimizu and P. Stella).
2008: “Central Bank Financial Strength and Policy Performance: An Econometric Evaluation,” IMF Working Papers 08/176, International Monetary Fund (with P. Stella).
2008: “Value-at-Risk: Risk Mitigant or Amplifier,” Asia Risk Magazine, February 2008 (with J. Danielsson and L. Kodres).
2007: “When countries do not do what they say: Systematic discrepancies between exchange rate regime announcements and de facto policies,” Discussion Papers in Economics 2072, University of Munich, Department of Economics (with J. Bersch).
2007: “Inter-sectoral Linkages and Local Content in Extractive Industries and Beyond,” IMF Working Paper No. 07/213, September 2007 (with G. Pastor, A. Segura, and W. Zarate).
2006: “The Design and Implementation of Deposit Insurance Systems”, IMF Occasional Paper No. 251, December 2006 (with D. Hoelscher and, M. Taylor).
2005: “Safety Net Design and Systemic Risk: New Empirical Evidence”, Munich Economic Discussion Papers 2005-06.
2005: “Vermögenspreise und Konsum” (Asset Prices and Consumption: Recent Theories, U.S. Experiences and European Challenges), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 6 (1), 1-22 (with G. Illing).
Politikbeiträge und Beiträge zu Gutachten
2011: “Vielfalt wirkt stabilisierend”, in: Dossier Risikomanagement, Sparkassenzeitung, Sparkassenverlag.
2010: “Three birds with one stone: The G20 and Systemic Externalities,” VoxEU, June 26, 2010 (mit Hasan Doluca, Marco Wagner und Beatrice Weder di Mauro).
2009: “Konjunkturpaket II: Insgesamt richtig (The German fiscal stimulus package: Overall on the right path),” in: ifo Schnelldienst, Vol. 62, Number 2 (with W. Wiegard)
2008: “Market and Funding Liquidity: When Private Risks Become Public,” Global Financial Stability Report (mit B. Gonzales, H. Hesse, L. Kodres und P. Mills).
2007: “Do Market-Risk Management Techniques Amplify Systemic Risks?,” IMF Global Financial Stability Report, October 2007, 52-76 (with P. Mills, L. Kodres und J. Kiff)
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